Tuesday 30 November 2010

Dog poo

All week Miriam and I and been in the foundry workshop mass producing dog poo. We have gone through stages in the workshop having 1 rubber mould to know 4. Each rubber mould takes about 3 hours to set, but while creating more moulds alongside we have been making plaster poos with a total last week being nearly 50.  Our aim is to get as many dog poo's as possible in the time we have and them play around with photography.  Here are a few pictures showing some of the stages we went through.. it has been a lengthly process...

Our idea has changed alot through the time of being in the foundry, firstly we wanted to spray all the poo's brown and put them in a park and photography it say? on the grass, but this idea we felt wasn't as capturing as we thought. However now we are really set on the idea of spraying the nearly 100 poo's metallic gold along with sprinkling on gold glitter and place them in a hilly park to show height and photograph them as a shrine to a dog walking park..which all owners have to deal with but to see the poo as a new light.. golden poo hmm will it work, we shall soon see.

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