Friday 18 March 2011

Crazy thoughts.

So i've been sitting around researching some crazy things to try and think up something to show on Monday for an idea for this New Languages project. I'm getting quite involved with typography at the moment as you may have heard me mention a few times recently, and well i was thinking...

How can they be combined? MAYBE SOME KIND OF PROJECTION

Well...i have somehow come up with this idea of having a book with some kind of mechanism within it, that when opened instead of reading the words on the page, (maybe have blank pages so you don't know what the book says until its projected) and the words then get projected in a cool looking way maybe similar to the image below and you read it that way. I was thinking maybe the words are shown in a 3-d way by smoke (however smoke tying into the whole book projection doesn't fit to well) but my idea is that the when the words are projected through smoke it reveals the path in which the words are projected through the smoke and it leaves you a visual of 3-d?

THIS MAY SOUND CRAZY WHEN YOU READ THIS but in my head well it seems to work, i suppose i'll see what the judge panel think on Monday :)

Heres the visuals:

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