Thursday 20 January 2011

Zapf DingDong!

After having the weekend to think about how it would be a good way to achieve what we were after and what size would be best to cut out the individual dingbats, I settled on the idea on enlarging the sheet of dingbats on A4 to A3 which would only slightly enlarge them giving me more space to cut around each glyph. On Monday with Jo falling ill, Charlie recently saw an animation at the science museum of particles (represented by tiny triangles) creating the word 'atmosphere.' The way in which the particles moved around and misted in and out pretty much explained the whole idea which we had for the face of Hermann.

The next task was to get down to the painful business of cutting out the glyphs, this in my case took forever and it felt like i was getting nowhere. I printed out about 8 sheets of dingbats on A3 hoping to do as many as possible. I think i reached about 4 pages maybe and my finger began to swell up from using the craft knife so i decided to throw in the towel.

The cut outs which seem like nothing but there are more than you think
The mess! (and before you say NO i couldn't find my cutting mat)

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