Thursday 2 December 2010

'Dont Tell'

Ah ha.. library collection project this i found interesting. Getting to the room which held all these artist books was quite intriguing, it was like a little mission to find them climbing these stairs going down this corridor, special number codes only the librarian knows, It was like a big secret place. Once inside we all sat around a table and viewed the multiple books on show. There were many that stood out to me especially the animal fur one but all for wrong reasons, and i felt quite creeped out when i was asked to stroke the pages of the book...      
                               YUK, stroke a dead cats skin/fur! not for me thank you!

...but anyway i chose one of the student books which stood out to me with its intermit french folded pages. The book was by Andrew Baker, a student studying graphic design and communication at Chelsea, the book was based on secrets in which the designer had never told anybody and the book was cleverly created around the feature of privacy, like secret.

Manifesto, Manifesto, Manifesto

After attending Frank's lectures (which at first i found incredibly confusing with his long worded sentences) we were given our first written essay/project on MANIFESTOS. Which at the beginning i had no idea what one of these were, but what i did know was that we had two manifestos to produce, one of them was to design an existing manifesto based on an art movement between a 1880 to 1930 and the second on the cultural or technology changes that beckon the 21st century. Which in my eyes for the second manifesto i slightly changed to my cultural changes where i have become quite worried about possibly over planning my night outs.

Manifesto 1 

Manifesto 2

I am really happy with my outcomes, however for my getting home manifesto I did find it quite hard to think of something which would work well with or without text. I originally thought of using the colours of the tube lines and manipulate that somehow, but in the end i realised that just by using tube line colours doesn't mean that i'd be trying to get home it would probably symbolise more travel than getting home.